The Perfect Gift for Her


When the situation calls for wine, tissues or duct tape...
we got you, girl

Remind your BFF (or babe) that you're there for her even when you're far away. Let her know that no matter what stuff she's got going on, she's got you in her corner to vent to, laugh with, cry with, get through life with. And, of course, to celebrate the good things. Hint: In a relationship? This will make you look like the best BAE ever.

Who else...
Obeys the 'girl code' no matter what?
Knows when you need to let it all out, ugly cry and all?
Says what you need to hear, like it or not?
Listens to you rehash the story over and over and over again?
Holds no grudges when you've been MIA?
Who else? Your girlfriends.
The women who pick you up, dust you off and get you back in the game. When you get together with your girls you bling, you jam, you turn up, crack up, let it go and come out on the other side ready like the force you are.
When you can't be there in person for some one-on-one girlfriend therapy, we have gift boxes you can send for all of life's ups and downs. Whether you're celebrating the milestones of life like a birthday, a promotion or you're showing support for the bumps and curve balls of life, like a divorce, a breakup or an illness, we have the perfect curated gift box that will make your girlfriend SMILE - Sparkle, Move, Indulge, Laugh and Exhale.
And, guess what, girlfriend? You deserve this, too!

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