Wow, can you believe this month it's been 6 months since we first launched Girlfriend Therapy in a Box? I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for being on this journey with me, whether you've purchased a box, shared the website, attended a pop-up event, or encouraged me along the way. It was a huge leap of faith to walk away from a successful 25 year corporate career, but there is nothing more fulfilling then waking up each day knowing your mission is to make a difference in someone's life. So much has transpired in such a short period of time that it keeps me burning the midnight oil because I can't get these ideas up and running fast enough to connect us all together. This journey is a very humbling one, and it takes you back to the roots of learning new things everyday and challenging yourself to come out of your comfort zone and I now have a whole new respect for the term "entrepreneur". In 6 months, with great assistance and I mean GREAT assistance, I launched all six theme boxes, created special holiday boxes, displayed and spoke at several conferences, held my very first PUBLIC Girls night out event, started a Facebook Live show, written blogs, and have done what seems like endless social media posting. Every day I am learning, every day I am grateful, and every day I am blessed to have you all as a part of this journey. Each time I get to send out a SMILE in a box my heart truly melts, especially when I am hand writing your sentiments on the cards. I thank you, GIRLFRIENDS, for sharing, for showing up, and for Sparkling, Moving, Indulging, Laughing and Exhaling with me through this amazing journey. In this turbulent time of our lives, make sure you take the time to reach out to a girlfriend to ask "How are you doing?" Just hearing your voice or seeing your face on Facetime or Zoom could change a life. I look forward to the next 6 months, as we continue learn more, improve what we're doing and spread the word that there is a SMILE you can send. We hope to see you at our next local area Pop -Up event, because you know we need a night out. Or join me weekly for Thirsty Thursdays on Facebook Live. I would love to hear from you with any REAL TALK feedback on what we're doing. Send me any comments - the good, the bad, and the ugly - because it's the only way for us to get better and better. Thank you for being part of this tribe and remember "Stress steals but a SMILE heals"! Your glittery girlfriend, Sondra